Katrina, a postpartum mother, called me to her room. She fearfully cried, “I think I’m having a heart attack.” She had chest pain and heart
Author: Sandy
Cheer Up: Three Good Things Gratitude Calendar
The Science of Gratitude Usually, we picture scientists studying the life cycle of mosquitoes and then, by pouring chemicals into various beakers, searching for a
Weed-Pulling Worksheet: Send Negative Thoughts to the Compost Pile
After reading the post below, use the worksheet above to pull those weeds of negative thoughts. Below is an excerpt from my book, Postpartum Emotions.
It’s Too Much!
I collapsed on the couch after a particularly brutal test. Three children. A job. Nursing school. What was I thinking? “God, please help me. It’s
Let David Bring Life to Your Prayers: Pray the Psalms
What does it mean to pray the Psalms? We love connecting with God’s spirit in prayer, pouring our hearts out, and reaching out to the
Names of Jehovah Hidden in Psalm 23
An anthropologist, Igor Krupnik, studied the Inupiaq people, who are Inuit natives in Alaska. He documented about 70 terms for “ice,” such as “utuqaq,” ice
The Key Ingredient for a Changed Life: It’s Not What You Think
Addicts become sober. Abusers learn to love. The lame walk. This is what happens when God shows up. Lives change. Revival happens. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Thanksgiving, Let’s Do It Now
You drive to Safeway to pick up a pie for Thanksgiving dinner. As you drive home, someone cuts you off and rudely honks at you
Broken Crayons still Color and Create Beauty
Broken Heart A young girl sat sadly at church after losing her mother. A wise older woman put her arm around her. The girl confessed,
Mmm, Fresh Prayers
This is a unique blog post for me. It reads more like a comic book than a blog post. The story is written for children