Katrina, a postpartum mother, called me to her room. She fearfully cried, “I think I’m having a heart attack.” She had chest pain and heart
Category: Healthy Thoughts
Cheer Up: Three Good Things Gratitude Calendar
The Science of Gratitude Usually, we picture scientists studying the life cycle of mosquitoes and then, by pouring chemicals into various beakers, searching for a
Weed-Pulling Worksheet: Send Negative Thoughts to the Compost Pile
After reading the post below, use the worksheet above to pull those weeds of negative thoughts. Below is an excerpt from my book, Postpartum Emotions.
Thanksgiving, Let’s Do It Now
You drive to Safeway to pick up a pie for Thanksgiving dinner. As you drive home, someone cuts you off and rudely honks at you
Broken Crayons still Color and Create Beauty
Broken Heart A young girl sat sadly at church after losing her mother. A wise older woman put her arm around her. The girl confessed,
Christmas Support Group: Join King Herod, Grinch, Scrooge & Joy
Do you lack the Christmas spirit? Are frustrated by all the gifts you need to buy, the parties you must go to, the cookies you
When Turkeys and Science Intersect
What do turkeys remind us of? Thanksgiving, of course. What is the purpose of Thanksgiving? Being thankful/grateful for all our blessings. And what has Duke
Proverbs 31 – Woman of Valor
Does the Proverbs 31 woman make you feel inadequate? Do you feel like you will never be as talented, productive, strong, caring, and fearless as
When Covid Hits the Happiest Hall in the Hospital
By Sandy Alsworth I have the privilege of working in a place where two people come in as a couple and leave as a family.
Learning to Dance in the Rain
Life isn’t about avoiding the storms. It’s about learning to dance in the rain. Painting was done by Sandy